Delivery Assurance
Who needs delivery assurance?
Blockchain protocols and automated governance are vital, but they sometimes need human intervention, too
Cardano is a decentralized, open-source blockchain, and like all software, it needs maintenance and enhancements to retain its relevance and introduce new features.
Intersect will ratify maintenance and enhancement actions through membership participation, the recommendations of elected committees such as the technical steering committee, and community governance actions.
These actions will often involve doing some work, whether organizing an event or developing a piece of technology. Once work and work packages have been agreed upon and committees have recommended work to a suitable supplier, delivery assurance is needed. These specialists at Intersect have the knowledge, skills, and experience to manage contracts and projects from award to successful conclusion.
What is delivery assurance?
Delivery assurance exists to provide assurance that projects will be delivered. By adhering to documented, transparent processes that reflect industry best practices, delivery assurance works to earn and maintain the trust of all stakeholders at minimal cost.
The delivery assurance function at Intersect provides committees with processes and expertise in project management, who sit within a broader operational services team who can provide support in commercial, legal, and financial matters. Providing these services to all committees in a common way allows for economies of scale. It’s a service that allows committees to focus on their primary purposes, making steering recommendations on behalf of the membership, without needing to spend time undertaking these delivery tasks, which can be heavily administrative.
Intersect’s delivery assurance professionals set expectations, accept deliverables and provide them to the committees for their review and evaluation, disburse payments to suppliers, and deliver extensive reporting to committees, suppliers, and members. These reports provide committees with the necessary information to make decisions and manage risk regarding the work undertaken, ensuring community transparency.
In 2024, delivery assurance was pivotal in the novation and delivery management of 14 core continuity contracts. The full list of projects is publicly available on the Intersect knowledge base.
Initially established to manage contracts with the remit of 'core continuity' technical work, this function has grown alongside the organization, adapting to serve our community's needs better.
Originally, delivery assurance focused on overseeing technical contracts, ensuring projects were managed efficiently and effectively on behalf of the community. Over time, however, the team's responsibilities have expanded to provide broader support across various contract types, serving more of our steering committees.
As we step into the future, delivery assurance remains focused on ensuring that every project undertaken by our committees is delivered successfully, supporting the continued growth and success of Intersect and the wider ecosystem.
Delivery assurance monitors the delivery of contracted updates to Cardano on behalf of the community. Its processes and procedures are building a body of knowledge that will ensure continuing improvement by and on behalf of the entire community. By identifying risks early, confirming the quality of deliverables, and helping contributors meet their milestones, delivery assurance fills an essential role in the ongoing success of Cardano.
Best practices
Intersect has used best practice from external bodies such as the Association for Project Management (APM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI), to ensure that we are serving the community in the best possible way. Please find below some examples of where we have utilised best practice.
What is managing contracts in project management? (
PMI's Practice of Public Engagement on Projects (
APM's Insights on Building a Collaborative Culture (
Supplier relationship management
Suppliers delivering work on behalf of the community have a responsibility to ensure their contributions are clear, valuable, and accessible to everyone impacted by the blockchain and the Cardano ecosystem.
To achieve this, suppliers are expected to:
Host Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions Suppliers will organize interactive AMA sessions to engage directly with the community. These sessions provide:
Opportunities for the community to ask questions and understand the progress and impact of ongoing work.
Transparency around goals, challenges, and achievements.
Clear explanations of how supplier contributions align with the broader objectives of the Cardano ecosystem.
Provide educational material Suppliers are responsible for creating educational content tailored to the community’s needs. This may include:
Technical Documentation: Clear and accessible information explaining the work being delivered, its purpose, and how it integrates with the ecosystem.
Guides and Tutorials: Resources that help users understand and interact with new developments.
Updates and Reports: Regular summaries highlighting progress, milestones, and the value created for stakeholders, most of which will be captured through the use of a Milestone Acceptance Form (MAF).
Demonstrate value to the community Suppliers must articulate how their work benefits the broader community, including:
End-user impact: Describing the positive outcomes for those interacting with or impacted by the blockchain.
Alignment with Cardano goals: Demonstrating how their contributions strengthen the Cardano ecosystem’s decentralized vision and add tangible value.
At Intersect, delivery assurance plays a key role in ensuring transparency and accountability when reporting on contracts across our committees. Our team provides regular feedback to committees and the wider community, covering contract progress, key milestones, value to the community / end user.
To keep stakeholders informed, we provide:
Monthly reports – Delivered directly to relevant committees, these reports offer a concise overview of contract status, key developments, and any risks or challenges that need to be addressed.
Quarterly reports – A more holistic view of progress and achievements across the committees, which will be publicly available, ensuring full transparency on project progress and outcomes.
Link to where this information will be stored is TBC.
Last updated
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