Interim Constitution Committee (ICC)
Introducing the interim Constitution Committee
Like the interim Constitution, there is an interim Constitutional Committee (ICC) to enable the first stage of the Chang upgrade. The ICC focuses on the technicality and base constitutionality of the very first community-submitted on-chain governance actions. Through the technical aptitude and expertise required to interpret the interim constitution and to submit CC votes, the ICC fulfills an important role in maintaining the Cardano blockchain’s stability and security during the interim period.
Held in checks and balances through the governance design described in CIP-1694, the ICC is bound by the thresholds and safeguards put upon it, and has a limited scope while the final constitution continues to be drafted through its consultation period.
Composition and remit of the ICC
The ICC initially comprises seven members, all on a 73-epoch (one-year) term from the date of the Chang upgrade. As a result of the technical focus relating to the interim Constitution, the ICC is composed of the pioneer entities: Input Output Global, the Cardano Foundation and EMURGO. To ensure broad community representation and diversity on the ICC, Intersect holds the fourth seat.
The three remaining seats were elected from the Cardano community. The iCC strives to conduct itself within a set of guiding principles:
Uphold the Cardano Blockchain Ecosystem Constitution (Constitution) - the primary and most fundamental principle of the ICC is to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution provides the framework and guardrails for collective decision making. The ICC, above all else, must fulfil its role to ensure constitutionality of submitted governance actions.
Must be an ada holder - to ensure the ICC member is a member of the Cardano community, as well as to enable participation in on-chain voting, every ICC member must be an ada holder.
Transparent deliberation - Cardano’s on-chain governance model, as specified in CIP-1694, provides a foundation of open and transparent governance processes. The ICC, and its individual members, will consider how it deliberates and makes decisions with transparency in mind.
Regular communication - the ICC is expected to meet regularly to review and evaluate the constitutionality of each governance action, confer on technical guidance and analysis and, with Intersect’s administrative support, take minutes to be published publicly.
Publish rationale - when accepting or rejecting a proposal, the ICC may publish in writing a rationale for decisions made, justifying the reasons why a particular governance action is or is not constitutional.
Stay informed - the ICC (and the individual members) should stay abreast of important issues impacting on the network.
ICC members are not remunerated; however support via an administrative function at Intersect helps to cover such expenses as for administration, communications, technical and legal support, education and training.
The Interim Constitutional Committee Election
The ICC election saw 455, 779, 792, 149, 846 (455, 779, 792 ada) staked and 1947 unique votes. We are pleased to announce the outcome, and confirm the remaining three seats on Cardano’s interim Constitutional Committee:
Cardano Atlantic Council
Eastern Cardano Council
Cardano Japan
Note: Data provided by Summon Platform, a blockchain development group contracted by Summon MBO. Ada totals reflect voting results after a series of simple run-off elections where the candidate with the lowest number of votes was eliminated, until only six candidates remained. For more information on the ranked choice voting process used in this election please see the FAQs provided by the Summon Platform. Full audits can be viewed below:
The seven current members of the ICC are:
1. Cardano Atlantic Council
Adam Dean, Beatrice Anihiri, Mike Hornan, Jennifer Brito, Thiago Nunes, Richard McCracken
2.Cardano Japan
Seira Yun, Hix, Shusuke Wakuda, Rena Oishi, Hideki Takeshi
3. Eastern Cardano Council
Jo Allum, Mark Byers, Oscar Hong, Phil Lewis, Ha Nguyen, Yuki Oishi
4. Input Output Global
5. The Cardano Foundation
7. Intersect
Intersect Constitutional Council is led by the following voting members: Eystein Hansen, Ian Hartwell, HOSKY, Mauro Andreoli, Juan Sierra, Ubio Obu, Jose Gamboa, and Nicodemus Rodriguez.
Last updated
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