Milestone report Q2 2024

Continuity Achievements for Q2


Byron continues to develop the Voltaire GovTool webApp by supporting the launch and running a beta testing period to discover and fix bugs and collect feedback and ideas.

In Q2 they completed the following milestones. Below is a direct quote from the supplier:

Milestone 1 - Design Phase - Governance Action Submission.

“Explore the New Horizon of Digital Engagement with Our Latest Design Suite Optimized for Every Screen: Experience our Homepage and Dashboard designs, perfected for every device size from mobile (375px) to desktop (2560px), ensuring a responsive and seamless experience no matter where you are.

Innovation Unleashed: Explore the future with our GA submission and Delegation flow designs, featuring wireframes and experiments that redefine the boundaries of user experience.

The first milestone in the path of Governance Actions delivery.”

Milestone 2 - Development Phase - DRep Explorer

“We have successfully completed the development phase of the Drep Explorer functionality for both desktop and mobile platforms. This significant milestone was achieved by fully implementing all features outlined in our dynamic Figma plan, encompassing both the originally planned functionalities and additional ones incorporated as we gained new insights throughout the development process. Preparations for Beta Testing have been started.”

Milestone 2 - Development Phase - Governance Action Submission

“We have successfully completed the development phase of the Governance Action Submission tool for both desktop and mobile platforms. This milestone was achieved through the full implementation of all features as outlined in our evolving Figma plan. This includes both the functionalities we initially planned and those we added as we gained new insights during the development process. Initial work for integrating with the Proposal Discussion Forum has been started.”

GovTool - Support for Beta Testing - Deliverables 1 & 2 (Monthly - April)

“We're proud to announce a series of significant advancements and maintenance updates that have been implemented across our technology stack.”


DQuadrant is focusing on developing a comprehensive testing strategy for dApps (decentralized applications). The key deliverables included the “Intersect dApps testing strategy document” and a reference document to support its implementation. These documents were designed to ensure the functionality and security of dApps through detailed testing protocol and strategic documentation.

In Q2 they completed the following milestones. Below is a direct quote from the supplier:

Workstream 1 Milestone 1 -Investigation and design

“For Milestone 1, the DQuadrant team has developed and shared a comprehensive testing strategy for Dapps, complete with a guiding document to facilitate the strategy's implementation. This testing strategy is crafted with a clear mission: To ensure the delivery of reliable and functional decentralized applications via automated testing practices and active community involvement. The strategy is grounded in core values such as Quality, Security, Privacy and Trust, Transparency, Team Collaboration, Innovation, and Community engagement.

The following objectives are set to be achieved:

  • G1. Attain 90% Automated Test Coverage

  • G2. Automate 90% of Testing Processes

  • G3. Conduct Regular Security Audits to Eliminate High-Risk Vulnerabilities

  • G4. Establish Scalability and Performance Benchmarks

  • G5. Initiate Community Testing Programs

The strategy prioritizes test automation and leverages community collaboration. It outlines various tests applicable to different types of Dapps and their implementation methods.

This milestone lays out a roadmap for subsequent phases, where testing will be applied to various modules of the gov-tool. The forthcoming tests will adhere to the guidelines established in this strategic framework.”

Workstream 1 Milestone 2 -Develop testing boilerplate frameworks

“For Milestone 2, the DQuadrant team has updated the web-app-boilerplate repo with three PRs to set up the test boilerplate and integration with the reporting dashboard. This boilerplate enables current and future teams to add tests for Govtool pillars and render the test results in the reporting dashboard. The reporting dashboard is available here:

This milestone enables current and future teams to add tests for Govtool pillars and render the test results in the reporting dashboard.”

Workstream 2 Milestone 1 - Design Test Cases

“For workstream 2 Milestone 1, the DQuadrant team has updated the Cardano-test-plans repository with the users' stories for Govtool application. The user stories are available here:

The user stories added to this document are implemented with tests on the actual Govtool repo. These tests can be seen on the reporting dashboard here:”

Workstream 2 Milestone 2 - Refactor testing infrastructure

“For workstream 2 Milestone 2, the DQuadrant team refactored the testing infrastructure to be inline with the testing strategy. This involves having all cypress tests migrated to Playwright tests and replacing Cypress test dashboard with Allure dashboard. The deployed test dashboard is made available here:

The tests are triggered on commits made to the test branch. This happens after the deployment of the test branch on the test infrastructure. After the deployment, the tests on frontend and the backend are triggered.

The dashboard shows the test results of all executions of the tests which represent the user stories defined on workstream 2, milestone 1. This milestone enables the team to see the regression of the tests with each new commit pushed to the repository and helps to detect and debug the bugs early.”

Workstream 3 Milestone 1 - Extend test coverage for DRep Explorer

“For workstream 3 Delivery 1, DQuadrant team refactored the existing tests related to DRep registration and added new tests for user stories. These tests are added to the test suites that get executed and reported when there is an update on the test branch. This keeps the status of the test report up-to-date. There are failing tests that indicate the bugs for which the team has created appropriate Github tickets and assigned the dev team. The deployed test dashboard is made available here:

The user stories for which tests were added under this milestone delivery are tracked here:

This milestone enables the team to see the regression of the tests with each new commit pushed to the repository related to DRep explorer user stories and helps to detect and debug the bugs early.”

Workstream 3 Milestone 2 - VVA App testing phase II

“For workstream 3 Delivery 2, the DQuadrant team refactored the existing tests related to Governance action and added new tests for 8 new user stories. These tests are added to the test suites that get executed and reported when there is an update on the test branch. This keeps the status of the test report up-to-date. There are failing tests that indicate the bugs for which the team has created appropriate Github tickets and assigned the dev team. The deployed test dashboard is made available here:

The user stories for which tests were added under this milestone delivery are tracked here:

This milestone enables the team to see the regression of the tests with each new commit pushed to the repository related to Governance action submission user stories and helps to detect and debug the bugs early.”


As part of the Halo 2 project, Galois is leading the development of Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for future interoperability of the Cardano economy.

In Q2 they completed the following milestones. Below is a direct quote from the supplier:

Milestone 4 - Recursive IVC API

“Galois has successfully delivered Milestone 4, implementing KZG accumulation and ZK circuits that verify IPA accumulation. These are key building blocks to fully recursive ZK proofs, enabling benefits including zk-rollups and the ability to trade between blockchains.”

Input Output Infrastructure

Input Output’s Infrastructure group is developing and testing the Cardano governance node in readiness for CIP-1694 and continuity maintenance. As part of this IOI has been working on CIP 1694 Second Fixes (including bug fixed, DB Sync Updates, and deployment to SanchNet), Governance Guardrail Support, Network Enhancements, and researching capacity improvement opportunities.

In Q2, they delivered Sanchonet 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, and 8.12 bringing the ability to use Plutus V3 in Conway-era transactions and containing the latest governance changes for SanchoNet. These releases include essential changes and fixes that are needed for the Chang hard fork and provide an implementation of CIP-69 for Plutus v3 (only).


Tweag is developing the Ouroboros Genesis mechanism (Genesis), which enables new nodes to join the Cardano blockchain and bootstrap themselves without relying on a trusted service. It also allows nodes to become disconnected and rejoin the network similarly. Earlier this year Tweag completed Limit on Patience, Genesis State Machine & Lightweight Checkpointing.

In Q2 they completed the following milestones. Below is a direct quote from the supplier:

Milestones 1, 2 & 4 - Open Source

“We worked on the Intersect MBO Business Project, which has a fixed project goal: "To conduct an initial assessment and provide advisory services to Intersect in order to develop the foundational vision and strategy of the Open Source Program Office(OSPO), ensuring a successful transition for Cardano into an open-source environment.”

The Cardano ecosystem needs to transition smoothly following the Voltaire 1694 Cardano Improvement Proposal, which details changing from the old organizational approach to a new, Member-Based Organization. The transition was already planned when our team members joined the OSO (Open Source Office) department.

We evaluated, advertised, and assisted Intersect MBO OSO in elaborating on Vision and Strategy Development, Stakeholder Communication and Management, Open-Source Office implementation, and OSO organizational structuring. Our work included specific research and development activities to deliver new, adapted deliverables covering open-source industry standards, the open-source community, and the Intersect MBO organizational entities.

“We created a new documented base for the transition and continuity of the Cardano processes and projects, preparing the implementation of the Voltaire 1694 CIP and clarifying the mission, vision, and objectives. We integrated the governance model and structure, the delivery assurance reporting areas, and the GitHub repositories reporting mechanisms into existing reporting tools. We participated daily in all deliverables and actions required by the OSO Head.”

Milestone 11 - Genesis 4 GDD Governor

“The GDD Governor is the last major component of the Genesis functionality. It is responsible for disconnecting from peers offering chains which, in the best case, are sparser than the worst chains offered by other peers. This allows syncing to progress past the limit on eagerness since we now disconnect from peers that may have been holding us back.”


Welltyped is developing new Log Structured Merge Tree implementations (LSM). These will store the ledger's UTxO set on disk rather than in memory, substantially increasing the number of UTxOs—supporting many more users—while also allowing nodes to run on cheaper, lower-spec machines. As part of this work, an interim milestone focussed on Core Data Structures & Algorithms was achieved.

In Q2 they completed the following milestones. Below is a direct quote from the supplier:

Milestone 3 –Core Data Structures and Algorithms

“An intermediate milestone has been completed for the Cardano LSM on-disk storage component. This milestone covers the development of the core in-memory data structures and algorithms.

Progress on this component is progress towards the goal of enabling Cardano to scale to much larger ledger state sizes (e.g. comparable to Bitcoin’s ~100M UTxOs), enabling higher transaction throughput while keeping memory (RAM) requirements acceptable.”

Milestone 4 - Core I/O Paths

“Well-Typed is developing an on-disk storage component intended to be used in Cardano to help Cardano scale to much larger numbers of accounts and UTxO sizes while preserving good system performance.

We have recently completed an intermediate technical milestone covering several key I/O code paths within the component. Benchmarks of these code paths indicate that we are on track to meet the overall performance targets for the component. Meeting these component performance targets will be important in the broader project that aims to enable Cardano to scale to much larger ledger states while preserving good overall system performance.”


VacLabs is working on ensuring the continued practical use of the Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets for the Cardano community and enhancements to support the Conway era. Earlier this year they successfully completed the development of the Trezor Hardware Wallet, Ledger Hardware Wallet Firmware App & supporting tooling.

Last updated

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