Product committee

This page covers everything related to the contracts that were proposed by the community to be contracted via the Product Committee. Note that some of these contracts were established through the original 2024 contracting process, with funding provided by the CDH. Any contracts awarded from June 2025 onward will be financed through the Treasury withdrawal, in alignment with the budget process.

Contract overview section

Contract Amount


The Customer is facilitating the development of a range of web app-based tooling to support the emergence of governance on Cardano. With tools being developed by different teams, the Customer is seeking a set of tests which can be shared and applied across current and future tooling. For governance tooling, documentation should relate to the Chang Hardfork User Story Inventory.


01/01/2025 - 03/31/2025



The Supplier will support following streams of work:

  1. Adjusting proposal discussion pillar to work with other pillars (voting, delegation, wrapper and governance action outcomes)

  2. Adjusting frontend of proposal discussion pillar to be in line with changes in the design system

  3. Ongoing maintainer role supporting and maintaining govtool proposal discussion pillar


01/01/2025 - 06/30/2025



Cardano GovTool is a webApp that implements key governance tools to enable full governance as described in CIP-1694. The Supplier has previously developed two pillars (voting and delegation) and the wrapper and will be continuing this stream of work, by supporting the launch for full governance hard fork and beyond, to and including the support for other test networks and mainnet, to fix bugs that will be discovered during this period and collect feedback and ideas. The Supplier will support following streams of work:

  1. Adjusting voting and delegation pillars to work with other pillars (proposal discussion and governance action outcomes)

  2. Adjusting frontend of voting and delegation pillars to be in line with changes in the design system

  3. Ongoing maintainer role supporting and maintaining govtool delegation and voting pillars


01/01/2025 - 06/30/2025



The Supplier will support the following key stream(s) of work:

  1. DevOps support for GovTool

  2. DevOps support for the Constitutional Committee portal


01/01/2025 - 03/31/2025



The Constitutional Committee portal is a web app allowing the Cardano community to see a rendered version of the Cardano constitution. It allows Constitutional Committee members to manage and submit rationales for their votes efficiently. The Supplier will support the following key stream(s) of work:

  1. Maintainer role for Constitutional Committee portal


01/01/2025- 01/31/2025


Overview of current product committee Milestones

Last updated

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