Grant projects 2024
This page provides a high-level view of Intersect grant projects. More details on the project can be found by clicking on the name of the builder.
Cohort 1 - Governance Tech
The Governance Tech category has been set up to build out Cardano’s 1694 Governance Technology Core Technology, updates, and integrations.
Update AdaStat to capture new governance data types available in the Conway Ledger Era
Update the StakePool Operator (SPO) Scripts to be compatible in the Conway Ledger Era
Update the Cardanocli-JS library to address the new features available in the Conway Ledger Era
Update the Cardano Client Lib and Yaci to address new features available in the Conway Ledger Era
Implement CIP-95 in Typhon Wallet and update Cardanoscan with the necessary informational features required for the Conway Ledger Era
Upgrade Cardano multiplatform Library and Carp to support the Conway ledger era. Furthermore upgrading Flint wallet to support CIP-95.
Cohort 2 - Proposal Discussion Forum, Constitutional Committee Platform, and DRep Campaign Platform
Establish the first version of the proposal discussion forum and integrate that with existing tooling (Voltaire GovTool) to support cip-1694 governance
Cohort 3 - Education and Multimedia
The education and multimedia category has been set up for builders to develop multimedia educational resources to help educate, onboard, and engage ada holders to participate in the new governance features made available with CIP-1694.
Cardano Governance: Educational Diagrams, Videos, and Workshops
Making Cardano governance clear and accessible to everyone, with a focus on the Portuguese speaking community
Governance Education Through Infographics, Threads, and Tutorials. English and Spanish.
Cohort 3 - Open Category
The “Open” grant category is available for members to propose new tools that have not already been funded through any other categories, are not adequately addressed, or are not built at all. These proposals should aim to create new features and complement other tools being built in the ecosystem.
Cardano Governance MAV Dashboard: To display real-time governance action data through donut charts.
Update the The Cardano-Transaction-Library to support new Conway primitives and implement a CIP-95-enabled wallet connector.
Research paper into the feasibility, advantages, and challenges of onboarding USDT (Tether) and USDC (USD Coin) natively onto the Cardano blockchain. This research aims to explore potential benefits, risks, technical considerations and costs associated with integrating these stablecoins into the Cardano ecosystem.
Cohort 3- Inclusion & Accessibility (Phase 1)
The need for inclusion and accessibility cuts across all processes, tools, communication channels, and interaction points for Cardano governance and Intersect itself. This grant category supports different initiatives to open up and make more accessible Cardano governance and Intersect.
In progress
To run two Intersect Twitter (X) spaces per month for the year (24 X spaces at least one hour in length - 2 a month for 12 months).
To enhance engagement with the MENA (Middle East and North Africa)/Arabic Speaking Online Community by optimising monthly TownHall meetings.
In progress
To create 10 short, engaging videos on Cardano Governance to expand the reach of the ecosystem.
Cohort 3- Inclusion & Accessibility (Phase 2)
Integrate a robust Translation Management System (TMS) to help the community contributors with translating the default English (en-UK) version into various languages. Configured to support translations for Govtool and the Constitutional Committee Portal.
Cohort 4 - Membership NFT platform
Intersect aims to establish a seamless, user-friendly membership portal on the Intersect MBO website, incorporating wallet connections, payment options, and NFT issuance for membership verification.
To provide access and support for the current Anvil SDK and expansion of the SDK to support the Intersect Member area
Cohort 4 - DRep Pioneer Program
15 DRep Pioneers have been selected across the globe to join a small group of other Workshop Leaders to co-design and deliver a unified curriculum and continuous learning program to their respective community and region. This will create the first cohort of Cardano DReps who can effectively perform their role in Cardano’s governance design.
Those selected as DRep Pioneer workshop leaders are:
Pedro Lucas
Martin Musagara
Democratic Republic of Congo
Ha Nguyen
Cameron Smith
Joao Bosco Ribeiro
Reshma Mohan
Daniela Alvez
Phil Lewis
Eystein Magnus Hansen | Daniel Dahl Johnsen
Ubio Obu
Jaromir Tesar
The Czech Republic
Adam Rusch
Jenny Brito
WADA | Josh Fielding & Mercy Fordwoo
Cohort 4 - Community Hubs
Intersect community hubs will act as a geographical central point for members to collaborate, meet, and participate. They will enable members to join local events and working groups where all can express their opinions with a regional twist. This is crucial when considering the consensus mechanism that is the foundation of Cardano’s governance system.
To find out more about these hubs, please click here.
LATAM (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia & Mexico)
Mauro Andreoli
Launched in March 2024
Yuri Kuriyama and Yuta Create
Launched in March 2024
Sri Lanka
CoinCeylon - Kavinda Kariyapperuma
Launched in May 2024
Africa (Ghana, DRC & Kenya)
WADA - Josh Fielding
Launched in May 2024
Clay Nation - Lenna Onto & Issy Robson
Launched in September 2024
North America
AWEN - Ian McCullough
Launched in September 2024
Cohort 4 - Summon Voting Platform
Grantee will provide to Intersect the adoption of “Summon Snapshot Voting” for the upcoming July 2024 Constitutional Committee election.
Run the election process for the Constitutional Committee election (cast a ballot with voting power corresponding to their ADA holdings in the active stake snapshot of a particular epoch boundary).
Cohort 4 - Local Events & Meet-Ups
Intersect is providing grants to support local face-to-face meet-ups that cover Intersect and Cardano’s governance.
Cohort 4 - Additional Governance Features
Grants for wallet updates to support the Conway ledger era and CIP-95. Furthermore, any other Conway/Voltiare related upgrades to libraries or tooling.
Upgrade the Vespr wallet to support standard functionalities within the Conway ledger era.
Cohort 4 - GovTool Governance Action Outcome
In progress
Create a Governance Action (GA) Outcomes section in Govtool empowering ADA holders to submit a GA directly onto the Cardano mainnet.
Cohort 4 - Voting Tool for the Constitutional Convention
Last updated
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