Functional requirements
Minimum functional requirements
Must have (in no particular proirity order)
Community members log-in via email address and/or wallet connect
Proposal submission form - (details below)
Proposal comments form - (details below)
Single choice opinion Poll (Yes/No) to test consensus on a proposal
The author of proposals should be able to edit and update their proposal
Generates an anchor - URL that points to an off-chain JSON file containing all the information generated for a specified proposal within the Proposal Discussion Forum
Open APIs allow other services to query proposal information alongside public endpoint with JSON structured data containing all information generated for a specified proposal
Proposal search and filtering
Moderator role, to keep the forum clean (neutralizing spam and spambots, profanity check and ability to remove, hide, delete, or flag inappropriate content)
Minimum required fields for the Proposal Submission Form:
The list below should align with what is decided in the governance metadata CIP.
Form fields
Author ID
ID of author:
A way for the users to identify the author of the proposal
A way to allow the platform to identify which proposal belongs to who - permissions control
Nice to have: Possibly a way to allow this platform to connect the off-chain and the on-chain author
Proposal ID
Auto generated unique identifier for the proposal
GA Type
Indicate which type of GA this proposal represents
The proposal name should give an indication of the Governance action that community members are trying to achieve. Keep it simple and informative.
A concise summary of your proposal that provides the essential information such as the problems, implications (200-character limit including spaces)
Detailed description of the motivation/problem
The proposed solution. Explain how it is aligned with the motivation/problem.
Supporting links
Allows proposer to share links to different resources (e.g. PDFs, images, website/ GitHub and additional URLs).
Nice to have: Tags with keywords related to the proposal
Minimum required fields for the Proposal Comment Form:
Form fields
Author ID
ID of the comment’s author
Once a proposal is submitted the discussion starts by users adding comments
Supporting links
Allow users to share additional information. e.g. PDFs, images, Website/ GitHub and additional URLs
Last updated
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