Intersect working groups


We are excited to announce a new initiative to maximize the wealth of expertise within our community by leveraging self-assembled interest groups. These groups will allow committees to tap into our community's diverse skills and knowledge, ensuring that the right resources are allocated to the right tasks at the right time. By empowering committees to assign and activate these interest groups into focused working groups, we can enhance our collaborative efforts and achieve our goals more efficiently and effectively.

Other than the working groups already working directly on a committee-raised task, all existing working groups will be reassigned as self-assembled interest groups. We understand that this change may raise concerns among those currently involved in working groups. This reorganization is about something other than downgrading anyone's status but optimizing how we harness the community's talents. We aim to recognize and utilize the best available expertise to promptly meet our committees' needs. Your contributions remain highly valued, and this new structure seeks to provide more opportunities for everyone to engage meaningfully and make significant impacts.

Intersect hosted working groups.

A working group is a temporary operation set up to perform a function as needs arise. Working groups can be on any subject and are by nature less formal than the standing committees. There are several Working groups operating, and over time, a number of new ones may be created.

Working groups must specify:

  1. A Terms of Reference including operating procedures and roles and responsibilities.

  2. Any limitations to participation, changes in Lead Member, subject to Board review/approval

  3. The meeting frequency as well as Goals and Deliverables.

Each working group will be overseen and report to a specific committee but some may have lines of reporting and communication into multiple committees.

Last updated