Your commitment as a host

To be eligible, the applicant must meet the grant eligibility criteria along with the specific host requirements detailed below.


  • To host the workshop, you should expect to commit up to 50 hours of your time, from beginning to end.

    • Expect to participate in on-boarding, training, recruiting participants, running the workshop, and providing outputs to Intersect. To recognize this effort, we expect hosts to specify an amount of ADA (roughly 2,500 ADA) for facilitation.

  • You are able to host a day long (6-8 hrs), in-person workshop between August 1 and Oct. 15th.

  • You are willing to provide contact information publicly.

  • You are willing to work with Intersect’s facilitators to deliver a constitutional workshop with their support.

  • You are willing to follow a standardized workshop format.

  • You are willing to follow a standardized process to select constitutional delegates and alternates to attend the convention, including the use of a digital voting tool. Intersect will provide a standard tool and process to this end.

  • You can enable virtual attendance. No virtual attendance will be allowed except to support facilitators if required. (updated on 14th August 2024)

  • You will be able to provide final outputs and documentation of your workshop in English.

  • Accept constitutional delegate candidacy videos from people who cannot attend the workshop live. No Candidacy videos will be accepted for delegation (updated on 14th August 24).


  • Up to 50% of your funding will be available before your constitutional workshop, and will be approved on a case-by-case basis. For example, it can be used to secure the venue.

  • A maximum of 5% of the funding may be used for swag.

  • Hosts will be selected with consideration to geographical distribution, aiming to distribute workshops across the globe.

  • The stipend is not intended to cover travel costs, as these workshops are locally-oriented. Virtual participation should be made possible for those too far away in the region to travel.


Following evaluation and selection of successful participants, Intersect will issue a contract with full detail of the agreement and payment/invoicing process. In this contractual agreement, Intersect will agree to distribute the Grant to the selected Host as per the following:

a. [50%] with effect from the date the contractual Agreement is signed by both parties providing the grantee has provided a date for the event, a preferred venue, a draft agenda and a budget breakdown;

b. [50%] with effect from the date the Event is complete, as evidenced by the Grantee producing all remaining Deliverables listed below.


In advance the host will be required to:

  • Decide on a date and secure a venue, plan for food, swag etc.

  • Promote the workshop at least 2 weeks ahead of time

  • Attend training and office hours to prepare

  • Provide prep materials to participants ahead of the constitutional workshop

  • Ensure proper venue set-up

Following the constitutional workshop, the host will be required to:

  • Finalize outputs and submit them to Intersect including:

    • Draft Constitution feedback

    • Results of the constitutional delegate vote

  • Meet with the Intersect team for clarifications on outputs.

  • Submit final expenses to Intersect.

Last updated