What work has been completed since the start of Intersect

This page showcases the dedication and collaboration of our partners in driving the growth and success of Cardano.

Contractual progress

Below, you will find a live update displaying the number of milestones completed across all continuity contracts within the DevTrust. The progress is shown both in quantity and percentage, providing a clear overview of our achievements. This is updated on a Monthly basis.

Below is a comprehensive list of completed projects and milestones achieved by our Cardano Continuity suppliers.


IOI - CIP-1649 , Backlog & Cardano Node Maintenance

1st Jan 24 - 31st Jan 25

2 / 4 Quarters complete

Enables continuation of development of CIP 1694 hard fork in addition to other development work to maintain the network.

WellTyped - LSM 1, 2, 3 & 4

24th Aug 23 - 13th Dec 24

6/11 Milestones Complete

This work develops new Log Structured Merge Tree implementations that will enable long-term scalability and sustainability for the Cardano node, by allowing large data structures to be stored externally to the node (eg on disk/SSD), but in a way that allows the data to be accessed efficiently when it is required.

Galois - Halo 2

31st July 23 - 17th June 24 [Delayed]

4/5 Milestones Complete

Halo 2 eliminates the need for a trusted setup. Development of Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for future interoperability of the Cardano economy. This contract supports work on repeatedly refining proof obligations until a base obligation can be discharged.

Tweag - Genesis

1st Jan 24 - 31st May 24

6/8 Milestone Complete

Ouroboros Genesis mechanism: will enable new nodes to join the Cardano blockchain and bootstrap themselves without needing to rely on a trusted service. It also allows nodes to become disconnected and re-join the network in the same way.

EMURGO - Serialization Library, Yoroi Extension Wallet, Yoroi Mobile Wallet, Educational Materials

1st Jan 24 - 31st Jan 25

9/16 Milestones Complete

EMURGO produces Educational Materials which will cover every aspect of CIP 1694, testing and support of the Cardano Serialisation library, Yoroi Extension & Mobile Wallet

Tweag - OpenSource

17th Jan - 15th May 24

4/4 Milestones Complete

Conducted an assessment and provided advisory services to Intersect to develop the vision and strategy of the Open Source Program Office(“OSPO”), ensuring a successful transition for Cardano into an open-source environment

VacLabs - Ledger & Trezor hardware wallets

10th May 24 - 13th Mar 24 [Delayed]

4/6 Milestones Completed

Ensuring the continued practical use of the Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets for the Cardano community and enhancements to support the Conway era

DQuadrant HF Testing

10th May 24 - 17th July 24

5/7 Milestones Completed

Supporting Chang hard fork development activities by performing regression testing and testing of new features

Tweag - BlockFetch

20th May 24 - July 24

0/2 Milestones Completed

Developing a modification to the block fetch decision logic to ensure analogous responsiveness from block fetch peers. A report on how to identify a certain type of attack and what actions could be taken to mitigate such it.

Tweag - Guardrails

20th May 24 - July 24

0/1 Milestones Completed

Tweag will provide IOG with audits for the Guardrail script which handles a filtering of users' proposals before being subjected to votes

Tweag - Identity Management

20th May 24 - Aug 24

0/1 Milestones Completed

Tweag will provide IOG with audits for the Identity management script which is an overlay. This script thus relies on the latest PlutusV3 features around governance.

Bitergia - Interactive Ecosystem Visualizations

Feb 24- Dec 24


Analyzing the footprint and ecosystem network of a client's open source community on GitHub to identify collaboration opportunities, visualize resource interdependence, and integrate external projects into an open dataset

Last updated