Committee elections FAQs
This page will be updated regularly as more questions are asked.
Can anyone apply to be elected?
No, only individual, enterprise, and seed funder members can apply for a seat. Associate members are not eligible.
Is voting based on ada?
No, it is one member one vote so each member will have one vote for each seat
When are the application deadlines?
Applications will open on March 24 and close on April 4 at 12PM UTC.
How do I apply?
The application form will be accessible through the member portal. Here is the link
How do I vote?
All voting will be conducted through the member portal, where members can find more details.
How will we ensure that the committee work doesn’t stop?
The elections are divided into two phases: 50% of the seats were elected in October 2024, and the remaining 50% will be elected in April 2025.
Can I still get involved if I don’t want to sit on a Committee?
Yes, we have a variety of Working Groups, Special Interest Groups and other initiatives you can get involved in. Feel free to reach out to us via email
Who will vote on the chair role?
We propose the community-elected committee self-elect a chair within two weeks of the election result.
Where can I find out more about the committees?
Each of the committees has a space in the Knowledge Base which also includes their contact details. We've also created an application pack with key information about the committees, which you can find here.
Will the Intersect Steering Committee (previously also known as Exec Committee) also be part of the election?
Yes, the community seats for this committee will be part of the election.
Can an enterprise sponsored members candidate themselves for elections?
Yes, if you are a member of an organization which is paying for an Enterprise membership and for your membership too, then you can apply to be a candidate and you can also vote in the election.
Please note your affiliation with your organization in the application form.
If I am elected to a committee seat can I still be part of Working Groups and Special Interest Groups
Yes, any member can participate in Working Groups and Special Interest Groups. This is actively encouraged.
Last updated
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