Functional Requirements

IDFunctional RequirementUser StoryMoSCoW


The tool can deliver a poll on a single question

As a community member I want to know the answer to one question and that is whether the constitution has been endorsed by the convention or not



In the case of a vote that does not adopt the constitution the poll can be re-run

As a constitutional delegate I want to be able to vote “no” to the adoption of the constitution in order to continue discussions, not to close the convention without agreement, so that we can all find a consensus.



Once a poll has been closed it cannot be reopened

As a community member I do not want a poll that has been closed to be reopened because this will undermine the legitimacy of the results.



No one can edit the results of a poll except by voting

As a community member I do not want convention organisers or others to be able to change the results of a poll so that poll results are the genuinely expressed will of the people elected to vote.



Convention organisers can invite constitutional delegates to take part

As a convention organiser, I want to invite delegates, so that they can vote.



Convention organisers can invite alternates.

As a convention organiser I want to invite an alternate so that they can vote if their delegate is unable to do so.



As an alternate, I want to immediately be ready to vote in case my constitutional delegate becomes unable to do so so that the people who elected me have representation.



Convention organisers can transfer voting power from a delegate to their alternate

As a convention organiser, if the delegate of a given workshop cannot attend then I can transfer their voting rights to the alternate from the same workshop



Convention organisers can transfer voting power from a alternate to their delegate

As a convention organiser, if the delegate of a given workshop is able to resume their duties and can attend the convention then I want to transfer their voting rights back to them from their alternate of the same workshop, so that the democratic will of their workshop is respected



Convention organisers can update delegate profile information

As a convention organiser, I want to be able to update the profile information of a delegate (or alternate) to correct any error or omission.



Every constitutional delegate’s profile (and the profile of backups) contains their name

As a community member I want to be able to associate each vote with the person who cast it, so that I can understand how each delegate has voted



Every constitutional delegate’s, and alternate’s profile contains the name of the workshop that elected them

As a community member I want to be able to see who my constitutional delegate is, so that I can review how they vote



Every constitutional delegate or alternate profile contains the information of whether they are a delegate or an alternate

As a constitutional organiser I want to know that the voting app can differentiate between delegates and alternates, so that it knows who should be voting



Every constitutional delegate’s profile (and the profile of alternates) are associated with their individual email address

As a community member I want delegate’s votes to be associated with something they own so I can be sure it is them who cast the vote



Convention organisers need an account each

As a convention organiser I need to have a secure account that I can log into, so that I may conduct my business



Convention organisers need to create delegate and alternate profiles

As a convention organiser I want a convenient way to create delegate profiles so that they do not need to be created by developers



As a convention organiser I want to ensure that the name, and workshop, and whether the holder is a delegate or an alternate is correctly stored by the system so that there are no errors.



Only one constitutional delegate from each workshop can be eligible to vote at any one time

As an alternate I want to be unable to vote unless my delegate is unable to do so in order to protect the legitimacy of the vote.



Constitutional Delegates can vote yes or no or abstain to any question

As a delegate I want to be able to vote “yes” or “no” or “abstain” to any question that is presented to me so that I can signal my approval/disapproval/ indecision



Constitutional Delegates can choose to not vote

As a delegate I do not want the finalisation of the result to be held up by people who do not vote, so that no one person can filibuster a decision.



Constitutional delegates can vote remotely

As a delegate I want to be able to vote from anywhere, so that I can use my democratic mandate even if my visa is denied



The vote data can be matched to the profile information of the person who voted

As a community member reviewing the raw vote data I can match this to the profile information of the person who voted, so that I can do things like audit the information, or build apps from it



Delegates and alternates can see that they have been registered and whether or not they are eligible to vote

As a delegate or alternate, I need to see my registration status so that I know if I've successfully signed in to vote.



Anyone can see when a poll is open, and when it has been closed

As a community member I want to know the status of a decision so that I know when it is final.



Anyone can see key metrics such as how many votes, how many yes, no, abstain votes were cast in each poll and what the result was.

As a convention organiser, delegate, or community member, I want to know the decision that has been made, so that I know what effect this should and will have on the constitution.



Anyone can see the public information (name & workshop, not email) about each person who voted and how they have each voted

As a community member, I want to see how a given delegate has voted, because I am interested in that, and constitutional delegates should be transparent



Constitutional delegates or alternates who have voted are able to see how they have voted whilst a poll is still open

As a delegate I want to see how I have voted, so I can check that my vote has been properly recorded



Constitutional delegates or alternates who have voted are able to change their vote whilst a poll is still open

As a voter I want to be able to change my vote whilst a poll is still open so that I can correct a mistake that I made.



Everyone can see how many votes have been cast when the voting is open.

As a convention organiser I want to know how many convention delegates have voted so that I do not close the vote before every delegate has had an adequate chance to vote.



The poll results will be displayed only once voting is closed

As a convention organiser I want there to be a big reveal moment, so that there is some degree of spectacle



As a delegate I do not want to see the vote tallies before the poll is ended so that I can avoid being subconsciously influenced by the votes of others



Each vote must be cryptographically verifiable

As a community member I want all the votes to be cryptographically verifiable so that I can be sure the poll results are valid



The individual vote information from a poll should be put on-chain only when the vote is closed

As a community member I want each vote and the information associated with it to be recorded on-chain so that the contribution of each voter can be permanently and indelibly preserved



The aggregated results from a poll must be put on chain when a vote is closed

As a community member I want the result and number of votes for yes/no/abstain to be recorded on-chain so that this information can be permanently and indelibly preserved



Convention organisers can open a poll when they deem constitutional delegates to be ready

As a convention organiser, I want to be able to open a poll up for voting so that I can ensure that they are all adequately prepared to vote on the matter



There is no minimum or maximum time limit on the amount of time a poll can be left without being opened for voting



Convention organisers can close a poll when they deem constitutional delegates to be ready

As a convention organiser, I want to be able to close a poll when I have ensured that every delegate who wants to vote has voted so that the results can be finalised.



There is no minimum or maximum time limit on the amount of time a poll can be left open to voting



All the results of voting, information about the voter, and how they voted should be downloadable in csv format at any time.

As a community member I want to download the results in CSV format so that I can audit them



Each voter has one vote per poll

As a community member I want each constitutional delegate (or the alternate replacing them) to have equal voting rights so I know that the poll is fair


In addition to the functional requirements of the tool itself, respondents to the RFP will also need to suggest an appropriate level of user support and documentation.

Last updated