Non Functional Requirements


  • This section should be accessible to non-technical users

  • This section should be transparent and easy to engage

  • Meet WCAG 3.0 AA standards for accessibility

  • Development needs to include i18n standards for internationalization


  • We expect this tool would need to support at least 250,000 concurrent users


  • Responsiveness of the tool: Front page load time must be no more than 2 seconds for users that access the website using an LTE mobile connection

Open source requirements

Technical specification requirements for FE and BE (to ensure integration)

  • NodeJS backend

  • NextJS frontend

  • “Voltaire” Design System based on material UI

  • (optional if applicable) Axios

IP rights

  • The code must be open source with an open source license that permits the assets to be changed, redistributed, and used commercially (suggested: Apache 2.0 for code and CC BY 4.0 for other documents and assets)

  • Any third party dependencies must not hinder the assets from being changed, redistributed and used commercially

  • The assets created for this proposal are universally accessible on a public repository by the time the project has completed

  • The assets created for this proposal must migrate into Intersect’s repositories if requested by Intersect

Deployment and environment requirements

  • Other guidance related to deployment, environments requirements will be provided to ensure integration with GovTool

Last updated